Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Message about Israel, Hamas, and Gaza from CJP

We are writing to update you on the latest developments in the Gaza Strip and the circumstances that left Israel with no choice but to finally respond to the non-stop attacks that Hamas has been launching against Israeli civilian centers.Israel, which is America's closest ally in the Middle East, has suffered grea tly as its citizens have been subjected to daily bombardment from rockets from Gaza, whose purpose has been to kill or maim Israeli civilians as well as to terrify Israeli families.

Over the past year alone, Hamas has fired some 3,000 rockets and mortar bombs into Israeli towns and cities in southern Israel. Hamas, which calls for the "obliteration" of Israel, has been designated as a terrorist organization by the European Union, Canada and the United States.

President-elect Barak Obama said earlier this year about the more than 6,300 rockets and mortar shells from Gaza that have rained down on Israel since 2005: "If somebody was sending rockets into my house where my two daughters sleep at night, I would do everything to stop that, and would expect Israel to do the same thing."In this Christmas season, while Israeli and Palestinian Authority security forces were successfully working together to ensure a peaceful celebration in Bethlehem, Hamas has intensified its attacks on Israeli civilians, firing some 200 rockets and mortar bombs in the last several days alone. Sderot, the long-suffering working class community where innocent Israelis have been shelled for more than three years, has come under renewed fire. The New York Times has reported that Hamas has "increased the range and intensity" of their assault. Missiles now reach even deeper within Israel, spreading to Ashdod and to Ashkelon, a city of 120,000 people. More and more Israeli citizens are faced with serious lethal threat than ever before.

Israeli author Amos Oz, a prominent dove whose call for peace with the Palestinians is shared by a majority of Israelis, wrote in a recent piece entitled "Israel Must Defend Its Citizens" that "The systematic bombing of the citizens in Israel's towns and cities is a war crime and a crime against humanity.

"Hamas's disregard for Israeli life is matched by its disregard for the lives of Palestinians living in Gaza. Using innocent Palestinians as human shields, Hamas purposely fires its missiles from homes, schools and community centers, confident in the knowledge that when Israel finally acts to stop the killing of its own civilians, Palestinians will also inevitably be harmed. The use of Palestinian civilians as human shields is not merely unspeakably cruel.

It is also a fundamental violation of Palestinian human rights by the Hamas leadership.Israel cares deeply about protecting the lives of civilians, both in Israel and in the Gaza Strip. Its efforts this weekend to stop the Hamas attacks represent classic self-defense, undertaken reluctantly by an Israeli nation that longs for peace.

No country can tolerate such deliberate assaults indefinitely - and Israel has shown extraordinary restraint, publicly calling upon Hamas to stop the attacks and seeking to extend the fragile lull in hostilities that had been in effect for the last six months.Israel is now compelled to act to defend its citizens. A loyal ally of the United States, Israel has rushed to our aid at times of crisis - rushing rescue workers to Nairobi, Kenya, in the wake of the bombing of the U.S. embassy there and sending planeloads of relief supplies to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Now our friend needs our support - our strong backing for its right to defend itself from terrorist attack.

In the days and weeks ahead, we ask that you make your voices heard about the need for Hamas to stop its terror, and to respect the lives of Israelis and Palestinians alike.

Barry Shrage

President Myra H. Kraft
Chair of the Board of Directors

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Hamas enacts Islamic (Sharia) laws: Hand amputation, crucifixion, lashes and execution

By Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook

Hamas members of the Palestinian Legislati ve Council in Gaza have approved a new bill "to implement Koranic punishments," including hand amputation, crucifixion, corporal punishment and execution. Drinking, owning or producing wine is punished by 40 lashes, while drinking in public adds three months' imprisonment. Several laws are directed against Hamas's Palestinian rivals, including a law intended to inhibit non-Hamas negotiators by sentencing to death anyone who was "appointed to negotiate with a foreign government on a Palestinian issue and negotiated against Palestinians' interest." The following is the description as it appears today on the Al Arabiya website:

Headline: Hamas approves law of punishment by lashes, amputating hands, crucifying, and execution -- in order to implement the Islamic Sharia law.
Hamas members of the Palestinian Legislative Council approved in its meeting in Gaza a new bill proposed by the Hamas who have a majority in the Legislative Council, whose purpose is "to implement Koranic punishments." The newspaper Al Hayat of London reported on Dec. 24, 2008, that this step is seen as unprecedented, and has brought criticism and concern from human rights organizations in the Gaza Strip, especially as this law includes punishments by lashes, cutting off of hands, crucifixion, and execution...

The language of the law proposes "primary and secondary" laws. Primary laws include: "Koranic laws, blood revenge, lashes, crucifixion, and execution ..."
The text stresses: "These punishments will not be canceled or pardoned ... except if pardoned by the victim himself...

Section 59 of the law establishes that "punishment of death will be enacted on any Palestinian who intentionally does one of the following: Raised a weapon against Palestine on behalf of the enemy during war, was appointed to negotiate with a foreign government on a Palestinian issue and negotiated against Palestinians' interest, performed a hostile action against a foreign country in a way that endangers Palestine in war or in harming political relations, served a foreign army in time of war, advised or helped soldiers to enlist in this army, weakened the spirit or the force of resistance of the people, or spied against Palestine especially during war."

The punishment of lashes appears in many sections of the law. Section 84 states that: "Whoever drinks wine, owns or produces wine will be punished with 40 lashes if he is Muslim, and anyone who drinks wine, or angers another person [with wine], or causes him distress when drinking wine in a public place, or goes to a public place while drunk, will be punished with no less than=2 040 lashes and imprisonment for the minimum of three months."
[Al-Arabiya, Dec. 24, 2008]

Hamas lies about preparingstrict Islamic law for all of Palestinian Authority

by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook

Hamas has quickly denied this week's disclosure by the London-based Al-Hayat (reported yesterday by Palestinian Media Watch) that the Palestinian legislature has voted for an Islamic penal code that would include hand amputations, crucifixion, lashes and executions.

However, PMW has found that contrary to today's denials, official Hamas leaders have proudly announced in the Hamas-run media in the last two months that this Islamic penal code was being prepared, had "14 chapters and 220 clauses" and was nearly ready. Indeed, senior Hamas leaders went as far as to say that when these laws are implemented, they will have force not only in Gaza but also in the West Bank. And according to the Hamas Minister of Justice, the Palestinian laws will be similar to "Islamic states such as Sudan, Yemen, the [Arab] Emirates and Indonesia."

Examples of Hamas contradictions:

Today Hamas denied: "The [Legislative] Council did not discuss any article of the Penal Code." [Al Ayyam, Dec. 25, 2008]

A month ago the Hamas Minister of Justice confirmed: "This (Islamic law Penal) Code is being discussed at the sessions of the [Palestinian] Legislative Council, for a second reading." [Al-Rissala (Hamas), Nov. 12, 2008]

Today Hamas denied: "The Hamas movement... hastened to deny the reports about its approval of an Islamic Penal Code." [Al Ayyam, Dec. 25, 2008]

A month ago the Head of the Bureau of Islamic Law confirmed: "The Bureau of Islamic Law is preparing a Penal Code in order to implement Sharia - Islamic law ... Muhammad Abed, Head of the Bureau of Islamic Law and legal advisor to the Prime Minister (I smail Haniyeh of Hamas), said ... that the code includes 14 chapters and 220 clauses, and includes in its chapters the basis of the penal code." [Al-Rissala, (Hamas) Nov. 9, 2008.]

A month ago the Hamas Minister of Justice confirmed: "Similar (Penal codes to the new Palestinian law) have already been implemented in a number of Arabic and Islamic states such as Sudan, Yemen, the [Arab] Emirates and Indonesia... by Allah's will it will be published soon." [Al-Rissala (Hamas), Nov. 12, 2008]

The following are the full texts of the contradictory Hamas statements, starting with the Hamas statements about the coming Islamic law in the Palestinian Authority and followed by today's Hamas denial.

Muhammad Faraj Al-Ghoul, Justice Minister in Hamas Government of Gaza, "This (Islamic law Penal) code is being discussed at the sessions of the [Palestinian] Legislative Council, for a second reading [vote] ... and by Allah's will, the Council will approve [the code] in accordance with the general interest and the interest of the Palestinian People. The code is highly important, and it's not the first of its kind... similar codes have already been approved , and implemented in a number of Arabic and Islamic states such as Sudan, Yemen, the [Arab] Emirates and Indonesia... I believe that this code is highly important, and by Allah's will it will be published soon." [Al-Rissala, Nov. 12, 2008]

Headline: The Bureau of Islamic Law is preparing a Penal Code in order to implement Sharia - Islamic law In an attempt by the Bureau of the Islamic Law [Fatwa] to unite Palestine under one Penal Code, according to Islamic law (Sharia), the Bureau of Islamic Law [Fatwa] has prepared a [penal] code, with the intention to submit it to the [Palestinian] Legislative Council for its approval, and to cancel previous legislation that is based on the la ws of the British mandate, and the neighboring countries.Muhammad Abed, Head of the Bureau of Islamic Law and legal advisor to the Prime Minister (Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas), said ... that the code includes 14 chapters and 220 clauses, and includes in its chapters the basis of the penal code...

He said that in implementing this law, the present penal code in the Gaza Strip and in the West Bank... will be cancelled... he said that the bill was submitted to the Legislative Council in 2001, but it was not approved in the second and third reading, and therefore some amendments were entered, according to the Islamic law, and it will be submitted to the Legislative Council for approval.

He emphasized that when the law is approved in the Legislative Council, it will be valid in all the Palestinian territories, and will be implemented in all of Palestine." [Al-Rissala, (Hamas newspaper) Nov. 9, 2008.]

Public Relations advisor to the Presidency, Legislative Council HEADLINE: "Hamas denies its approval of the penal law... ; The Hamas movement, which controls the Palestinian Legislative Council in Gaza, hastened to deny the news reports about its approval of an Islamic Penal Code that includes lashes, hand amputation and crucifixion. The public relations advisor to the Presidency of the Legislative Council, Iyad Al-Qarra, said that the council did not discuss any article of the Penal Code." [Al Ayyam, Dec. 25, 2008]

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

In the Trenches: Ten worst news stories of 2008

Monday Dec 22, 2008 -Posted by David Harris

This year, it wasn't difficult to identify candidates for the worst new stories. The challenge was limiting them to ten.

Here's my list:

An ethical meltdown

An Israeli prime minister compelled to leave office, on the heels of an Israeli president who was obliged to leave his post under a cloud in 2007, sent another disturbing message that all is not well in Israeli politics.

The Bernie Madoff story, embodying greed and fraud to the Nth degree, inflicted more harm this year on the Jewish world than all of our external enemies combined.(read full article)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Prof. Paul Eidelberg - Dec 16, 2008

"Havlaga" prolongs the war.

US Admiral Bull Halsey, a rational and responsible man, said, "Hit hard, hit fast, hit often." Rationality and responsibility are qualities quite foreign to those who shape Israel's policy toward its enemy, the Palestinian Authority. Their policy is "Hit softly, hit slowly, and hit seldom." (read full article)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Political Correctness Will Doom Israel

Israel seems to be sliding inexorably toward an abyss and the aftershock will be felt by Jews everywhere. Olmert, clinging on to his office by his dirty finger nails, is desperately trying to give away the Golan Heights and Judea and Samaria to appease Israel’s sworn enemies. These acts of self-destruction will perplex historians for all times. Many Jews, who are more of the lifestyle than of the book, seem indifferent to what is happening in and to Israel . Many could not care less that a group of young Orthodox Jews were recently evicted from a legally bought house in Hebron . Jewish police set upon Jewish men and women with a vengeance. Thus, demonstrating to the world their political correctness by turning against their own and proving that Jews, themselves, can be the “clever” architects that have brought on the wrath of civilizations. Is it possible that the true Jewish spirit and bravery of these settlers is what sends a chill up every weak spine? Many Jews seem oblivious to the hostile drumbeats emanating from the UN where tribal leaders try to outdo each other in an Olympic-style hate fest against Israel . Many Jews are also oblivious to the fact that a publicly subsidized Saudi Arabian Mosque was recently completed in Boston , in our own backyard. This Mosque will literally become a field of dreams as in “if you build it they will come”. French Jews, who now live in fear of marauding gangs of young Mus lims, would attest to this scourge. When courageous people like Charles Jacobs and Tom Mountain dare speak the truth, they are assailed by those who worship at the alter of multi-culturalism, the new attic sanctuary for progressive Jews. If, “we are living in biblical times”, as stated by Elie Wiesel, it will do no good for Jews to bury their bibles in the sand along with their heads.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"Beit Hashalom "

December 7, 2008

Following the expulsion of families from Beit Hashalom in Hebron, during a radio interview with the BBC, I was asked about our future plans. When I responded that the community would continue to purchase property in Hebron, the interviewer asked, "But won't that just cause more violence?" I answered, "If I bought a home in London and was told that a Jew purchasing on 'that side of the city' would cause a violent reaction, how would that be viewed? Probably as anti-Semitism and racism. Why then can't a Jew buy property in Hebron, just as people purchase homes all over the world?"

Another common question I've had to field from journalists is, "Don't you think this has all gotten out of control?" My response is quite simple: "Of course it is totally out of control. That's not the question. The question is who is out of control?" Clearly, in my opinion, those who have lost control are those democratic institutions which are designed to protect citizens from despotic leadership.

FOLLOWING PURCHASE of Beit Hashalom for close to $1 million, the Hebron community found itself under attack from numerous sources. Rapidly the question of our legitimate presence in the building made its way to court. The original court decision found enough evidence supporting our claims to prevent immediate eviction. However, harsh restrictions were imposed, including denial to install windows and to hook up to the Hebron municipal electric grid. Only in the middle of a major snowstorm did the defense minister allow installation of windows in the building last winter.

Due to the political sensitivity of the case, we soon found ourselves opposite a Supreme Court panel hearing the various issues involved. That panel was composed of Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch and Justices Edmond Levy and Uzi Fogelman. Levy is religious. Following a break in the court hearings, Beinisch changed the panel, removing Levy and Fogelman and replacing them with Justices Ayala Procaccia, who is known to be one of the most left-wing justices on the court, and Salim Joubran, the only Arab on the court. Beinisch, it must be noted, is not known for her right-wing ideological opinions. Two leftist justices and an Arab were left to decide the fate of the Jews living in Beit Hashalom. If that's not a stacked deck, nothing is. So wrote retired District Court judge Uzi Struzman, calling the court's final decision blatantly political.

In that decision, the court ruled that it would not examine the evidence presented, including proof of authentication of the legal sales documents, a video of the seller receiving and counting the money received for the building, and an audio recording of his description of the sale and receipt of the money.

Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz, when presented with new evidence in the case, specifically the audio cassette, refused to meet with community attorneys or examine the proof of purchase.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak announced only two weeks ago his intention to legalize all the illegal Beduin construction in the South. Yet he gave the go-ahead to violently expel all residents of the building in the midst of advanced high-level negotiations which would have allowed him to forgo the brutal confrontation.

These are examples of nothing less than terror - administrative terror, utilized by the highest echelons of the country's democratic institutions to further their own political beliefs against loyal citizens of the state, in this case, residents of the Hebron Jewish community.

FOLLOWING VIOLENT reactions to the extremely harsh expulsion, which included use of tear gas and stun grenades, I was asked about "red lines" - and decisions to "cross those red lines." Unfortunately we are presently facing situations where the government is crossing all the red lines that previously existed. The transformation of the judicial system, including the attorney-general and the Supreme Court, into an extended arm of the political arena ends all notions of impartiality or objectivity.

Hebron residents are often labeled extremists. However nothing could be more extreme than the above-described actions of Mazuz and Beinisch. But due to their positions and political ideologies, their extremism is considered legitimate.

It should be clear. Hebron's Jewish community opposes and rejects any and all violence aimed at innocent people, be they Arabs, Jews or anyone else. However it is unthinkable and intolerable that Israel's top leadership should change the rules in the middle of the game, expecting the other side to play by the old ones, while they play by the new. Such actions, as we have recently witnessed, quite literally push a large segment of the population into a corner with no way out, creating a dangerously volatile situation. Peace may breed peace but by the same token, extremism breeds extremism.

The real danger to Israeli society is not a few dozen kids throwing rocks while violently and illegitimately being thrown out of a home in Hebron. The true threat to our country is the warping of the fundamental institutions whose presence is supposed to protect the people rather than terrorize them. The decisions made concerning Beit Hashalom were not based upon justice, rather upon pure judicial terror.

The writer is spokesman of the Jewish community of Hebron.

- The New Republic - Why Israelis Love Chabad

Jerusalem, Israel

Gavriel and Rivkie Holtzberg, the young Israeli couple who ran the Chabad House in Mumbai and were murdered there by jihadists, died bound and helpless, like those Jewish martyrs disparaged for their quietism by the Zionist ethos. Ultra-Orthodox Jews, the Holtzbergs never served in the Israeli army--yet when they were buried on Tuesday, Israeli society mourned as though they were fallen soldiers. When their coffins arrived at Ben-Gurion Airport, they were draped in the national flag. Israeli leaders, including President Shimon Peres, who doesn't usually attend the funerals of terror victims, came to the Holtzbergs' funeral. When I came into work that morning, I found the young woman in the room beside mine weeping. (read full article)

Saturday, December 6, 2008 - The Rabbi and the Terrorists

Tuesday, December 02, 2008
by Dennis Prager

It was obvious to observers around the world that one of the designated targets of the Pakistani Islamist terrorists was the Mumbai Chabad House, the one Jewish center in Mumbai. The 10 Islamic terrorists who came from Pakistan to India chose their targets with great care.

If one assumes that the terrorists primary goals were to destabilize India, weaken growing Indian-Pakistani cooperation in fighting terrorism, and greatly increase Indian-Pakistani tension, hopefully to the point of military war between the two countries, every one of the targets made strategic sense. Slaughtering as many people as possible in Indias major economic center, including as many foreign tourists as possible at Mumbais finest hotels, also made sense. (read full article)