Friday, December 12, 2008
Political Correctness Will Doom Israel
Israel seems to be sliding inexorably toward an abyss and the aftershock will be felt by Jews everywhere. Olmert, clinging on to his office by his dirty finger nails, is desperately trying to give away the Golan Heights and Judea and Samaria to appease Israel’s sworn enemies. These acts of self-destruction will perplex historians for all times. Many Jews, who are more of the lifestyle than of the book, seem indifferent to what is happening in and to Israel . Many could not care less that a group of young Orthodox Jews were recently evicted from a legally bought house in Hebron . Jewish police set upon Jewish men and women with a vengeance. Thus, demonstrating to the world their political correctness by turning against their own and proving that Jews, themselves, can be the “clever” architects that have brought on the wrath of civilizations. Is it possible that the true Jewish spirit and bravery of these settlers is what sends a chill up every weak spine? Many Jews seem oblivious to the hostile drumbeats emanating from the UN where tribal leaders try to outdo each other in an Olympic-style hate fest against Israel . Many Jews are also oblivious to the fact that a publicly subsidized Saudi Arabian Mosque was recently completed in Boston , in our own backyard. This Mosque will literally become a field of dreams as in “if you build it they will come”. French Jews, who now live in fear of marauding gangs of young Mus lims, would attest to this scourge. When courageous people like Charles Jacobs and Tom Mountain dare speak the truth, they are assailed by those who worship at the alter of multi-culturalism, the new attic sanctuary for progressive Jews. If, “we are living in biblical times”, as stated by Elie Wiesel, it will do no good for Jews to bury their bibles in the sand along with their heads.