Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Perspective of a Friend , a Christian Zionist

JULY 2008 USA TOUR REPORT from Stan Goodenough

On July 9, 2008 I flew from Prague to Boston to speak at a number of meetings arranged by Pastor Don Cobble of the Kaleo Christian Center in Woburn, MA. The short tour - potentially the first of a series - originated out of an urge in my spirit to speak again into the hearts of American believers concerning the latest developments in Israel and their potentially serious affect on us all. In all there were nine events over 10 days - seven congregational gatherings, one seminar and one home meeting. 1. As Bible-believers we need to recognize that the Jews are our family; that Israel is not just another nation towards we should show Christian concern. 2. Iran's leadership (and the Islamic world as a whole) manifests the spirit of Amalek which - in Hitler and his predecessors - sought to destroy the Jews and so thwart the purpose of God. 3. Israel is being left with no choice but to militarily - and probably single-handedly - deal with the mounting Iranian threat against her. 4. An Israeli strike on Iran could have extremely grave repercussions for the whole world. 5. Israel's act of self-defense will be universally slammed as aggression, resulting in worldwide outrage and condemnation being heaped on the Jewish state. Governments and the news media will direct a propaganda assault on our senses aimed at turning us against Israel. Christians whose hearts are already attune to God's restoration purposes for Israel should prepare themselves to: a) Endure a period of what could be intense personal upheaval caused by great economic turmoil and, b) Stand resolutely with Israel in the face of an overwhelming wave of anti-Israel sentiment that will come from every direction - including family, friends and fellow church-goers. c) Come swiftly and strongly to Israel's defense; withstanding and denouncing the massive media effort to sweep all of us into blaming Israel for the financial pain we may experience, and demanding that our governments refrain from condemning Israel. We should not just sit and wait for this to happen. We should spread the word to believers around us so that they too are ready for what lies ahead. And we should already now be urgently communicating to our lawmakers their need to come out in solid defense and support of Israel in the period leading up to, including and following, the increasingly imminent Israeli strike. Without exception, the response at the meetings was positive. While the idea that God is moving to align the true Church with Israel, and that we are expected to choose where we will stand on this matter, was news to some, it was a message that resonated with each congregation and, in every instance, with the leadership. Each of the hosting pastors committed themselves personally, and urged their congregations collectively, to act. At least two leaders were moved to tears, and in one church the entire congregation came forward to publicly demonstrate their desire to respond. Some confessed having harbored a spirit of antisemitism, and prayed for forgiveness. While we fielded some probing questions, nowhere did we experience a rejection of what we had come to share. Thank God. Brochures inviting believers to Israel for the 2008 ICZC Feast of Tabernacles were made available at the meetings, and a number of people - including some who said they had previously not wanted to visit Israel out of fear or uncertainty - expressed a desire to attend. Believing the Feast to be a God-appointed time for us to meet with Him, and that one year, during this feast, He will reveal Himself to Israel in amazing ways, I pray that many will be open to the prompting of the Spirit to come up to Jerusalem and join us in worship there this year. To view the 2008 Feast itinerary and register online, go to <> or send an email to <>. I am thankful to the Lord for all who made it possible for me to visit America in July, and am prayerfully planning to return - this time to Georgia, Alabama, Nashville and Missouri - in September. By then I believe this message will be only more urgently needed as the clock ticks towards an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities - and with elections in the United States by then just a few weeks away. The outcome of those elections will, of course, also have a major impact on America's relationship with Israel going forward. Should you wish us to visit your congregation or home church meeting in or near this part of the United States, please email me as soon as possible at <>. May God bless you, and may His peace be upon Israel!