Nicolas Sarkozy, JudeophileNoah Pollak -
Have you heard what the French President has been saying lately?
On Wednesday, he declared that “I won’t shake hands with people who refuse to recognize Israel,” a snub directed at Muslim leaders. On the same day he warned that France may join the U.S. and Canada in boycotting the UN’s anti-Israel hatefest (known officially as an “anti-racism conference”) in Durban, South Africa: “France will not allow a repetition of the excesses and abuses of 2001.” (read full article)
Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
The Jewish Chronicle - Methodist storybook indoctrinates children against Israel
By Dexter Van Zile, CAMERA
BOSTON -- Judging from a children’s book published by the United Methodist Church in 2006, the anti-Israel activists in the denomination are fans of St. Francis Xavier, the 16th-century missionary and co-founder of the Jesuits who proclaimed “Give me the children until they are 7 and anyone may have them afterwards.” (read full article)
BOSTON -- Judging from a children’s book published by the United Methodist Church in 2006, the anti-Israel activists in the denomination are fans of St. Francis Xavier, the 16th-century missionary and co-founder of the Jesuits who proclaimed “Give me the children until they are 7 and anyone may have them afterwards.” (read full article) - The Region: Fear and gullibility as weapons
Radical forces in the Middle East have rewritten the international rulebook in a way designed so they can't lose. That is, there is no easy response to their behavior and strategies. Even more worrisome is the widespread failure in the West even to realize this is happening.
(read full article)
Radical forces in the Middle East have rewritten the international rulebook in a way designed so they can't lose. That is, there is no easy response to their behavior and strategies. Even more worrisome is the widespread failure in the West even to realize this is happening.
(read full article)
Tuesday, March 25, 2008 - Our World: The new Guardians of Israel
Mar. 24, 2008
Moshav Tzipori, in the Lower Galilee, is a microcosm of the history of the Land of Israel. A regional capital under King Herod, Tzipori was the seat of Jewish learning and the preservation of the Torah through some of the most tumultuous periods of Jewish history. (read full story)
Mar. 24, 2008
Moshav Tzipori, in the Lower Galilee, is a microcosm of the history of the Land of Israel. A regional capital under King Herod, Tzipori was the seat of Jewish learning and the preservation of the Torah through some of the most tumultuous periods of Jewish history. (read full story)
Sunday, March 23, 2008 - International Law is not a suicide pact
by Jonathan Rosenblum
March 23, 2008
When I speak about Israel's security situation, there is one question I always count on being asked at the end: Why doesn't the Israeli government just ignore what the Americans and Europeans say and do what it has to do to stop the terrorism? (read full article)
March 23, 2008
When I speak about Israel's security situation, there is one question I always count on being asked at the end: Why doesn't the Israeli government just ignore what the Americans and Europeans say and do what it has to do to stop the terrorism? (read full article)
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
IFCJ - Israel Shows Decency - Even To Her Foes
March 19, 2008
Dear Friend of Israel,
In a recent article about Palestinian rocket fire on Israel, this quote caught my eye: "The groups that are firing the rockets [at Israel] are not fighting a just war… They shoot at Israeli civilians, which is totally unacceptable." (read full article)
Dear Friend of Israel,
In a recent article about Palestinian rocket fire on Israel, this quote caught my eye: "The groups that are firing the rockets [at Israel] are not fighting a just war… They shoot at Israeli civilians, which is totally unacceptable." (read full article)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
"We seek death like you seek life"
March 18, 2008
Straight from the horse's mouth: 'We seek death like you seek life' -- Hamas MP Hammad admits Hamas uses women and children as human shields.
When will the West begin to understand that negotiations, summits, "peace partners", etc. -- that all this is futile? That the only language understood in the Middle East is that of strength, force, and violence? That you can ONLY have RELATIVE calm and ONLY for SHORT periods of time, provided you speak loudly and carry a very big stick, which needs to be put to use now and then to remind the enemies that you still mean business?
The only real hope for peace is reformation within Islam, and nothing short of that will do. So brace yourselves, and don't hold your breath ...
You liberals out there -- stop deluding yourselves and believing in the fairy tales of your own creation -- the enemy is NOT at all like you, for they do not value life. How do you prevent someone who doesn't care for life from killing you? You have to kill him first.
Harsh, yes, but it's better to face reality than to bury yourself in the sand of susicidal self-denial. If you want to die -- go ahead, but do not try to drag me down with you.
Getting off the stump,
Straight from the horse's mouth: 'We seek death like you seek life' -- Hamas MP Hammad admits Hamas uses women and children as human shields.
When will the West begin to understand that negotiations, summits, "peace partners", etc. -- that all this is futile? That the only language understood in the Middle East is that of strength, force, and violence? That you can ONLY have RELATIVE calm and ONLY for SHORT periods of time, provided you speak loudly and carry a very big stick, which needs to be put to use now and then to remind the enemies that you still mean business?
The only real hope for peace is reformation within Islam, and nothing short of that will do. So brace yourselves, and don't hold your breath ...
You liberals out there -- stop deluding yourselves and believing in the fairy tales of your own creation -- the enemy is NOT at all like you, for they do not value life. How do you prevent someone who doesn't care for life from killing you? You have to kill him first.
Harsh, yes, but it's better to face reality than to bury yourself in the sand of susicidal self-denial. If you want to die -- go ahead, but do not try to drag me down with you.
Getting off the stump,
Sunday, March 16, 2008
By • Richard Landes, Boston University
March 16, 2008
Just after the murderous attack on the Seminary students in Jerusalem, SPME issued a statement to which it attached the names of the board members. The key passage runs as follows: (read full article)
March 16, 2008
Just after the murderous attack on the Seminary students in Jerusalem, SPME issued a statement to which it attached the names of the board members. The key passage runs as follows: (read full article)
Monday, March 10, 2008
"Bridgette Gabriel ,"Sacrificing clarity at the Altar of Appeasement"

By Brigitte Gabriel
Opinions are like………noses. Everyone has one. As someone whose life has been greatly impacted by Israel, I am an outspoken supporter and advocate for Jewish issues and Israeli security. (read full article)
International Christian Zionist Center - STOP TALKING TO ABU MAZEN
March 10, 2008
How in the world can Israel continue talking to the PA leadership at the very time that its people are rejoicing over the callous murdering of eight Jewish yeshiva students by a Palestinian who is rewarded and crowned by the PA's chief newspaper with the title "holy martyr?"
Palestinian Media Watch Bulletin
March 9 2008
Palestinian Authority Daily:
Killer of eight young men is Holy Martyr- Shahid
Action should cost PA $150 million in US aid
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook
Mahmoud Abbas' official Palestinian Authority daily newspaper has honored the killer of the eight high school students gunned down this week with the status of Shahid - Holy Islamic Martyr. In so doing, the PA is sending its people a straightforward message of support for the terror murders and the murderer. According to the PA interpretation of Islam, there is no higher status that a human being can achieve today than that of Shahid.
The official PA daily Al Hayat Al Jadida prominently placed a picture of the killer on the front page, with the caption, "The Shahid Alaa Abu D'heim." In a Page One article on the terror killings, his act is again defined as a "Shahada achieving" action.
This honoring of terror and terrorists by the PA has significant financial ramifications, particularly at this time. Last week the US Administration sent a request to Congress to allocate $150 million to the Palestinian Authority. In response to earlier PMW reports on the widespread Palestinian honoring of terror, Congress made it illegal for the US to give money to entities that "advocate" terror, as follows:
"[The US] shall terminate assistance to any individual, entity... which she has determined to be involved in or advocating terrorist activity." Congress further legislated that "none of the [US] ... assistance under the West Bank and Gaza Program may be made available for the purpose of recognizing or otherwise honoring individuals who commit, or have committed acts of terrorism."
-2008 Foreign Operations Bill Sec. 657.B - C.1
Since a society's honoring of terrorists is one of the greatest terror promotions, and as the budget for the PA newspaper comes from the PA's general budget, the incessant honoring of this and all recent terrorists by Abbas' PA as Holy Islamic Shahids should render the Palestinian Authority ineligible to receive any American money under the terms of US law.
Palestinian Media Watch Bulletin
February 28 2008
Abbas rejects Jewishness of Israel,doesn't rule out armed conflictproud to have taught terror to world
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said Wednesday that he doesn't rule out armed conflict against Israel. He also said that he was "honored" to have fired the first bullet of the Fatah terror organization in 1965, and to have taught terror tactics around the world, including to such groups as Hizbullah.
In an in-depth interview published today in the Jordanian daily Al-Dustur, Abbas said that the PA is "unable" to pursue armed conflict for now, but said that "in the future stages things may be different."
He rejected Israel as a Jewish state, and said that it was the PA's rejection of Israel's Jewishness that almost aborted the Annapolis Conference last November.
Abbas said that he won't demand that Hamas recognize Israel. In fact, as PMW has reported in the past, he said that the only "recognition" of Israel he demands of a Palestinian unity government is to recognize Israel as its adversary.
Here are some highlights from that interview:
The Arab Situation
"Now we are against armed conflict because we are unable. In the future stages, things may be different... "
We reject the Jewishness of the state
The Palestinian President emphasized his rejection of what is described as the Jewishness of the state [Israel], and said: "We rejected this proposal at the Annapolis conference last November in the USA, and the conference was almost aborted because of it..."
The Resistance [Editor's note: PA euphemism for terror]
The Palestinian President spoke about the resistance, saying: "I was honored to be the one to shoot the first bullet in 1965 [Fatah terror against Israel began in 1965], and having taught resistance to many in this area and around the world, defining it and when it is beneficial and when it is not... we had the honor of leading the resistance. We taught everyone what resistance is, including the Hezbollah, who were trained in our camps [i.e. PLO camps in the 60s and 70s]."
Recognition of Israel
"I don't demand that the Hamas movement recognize Israel. I only demanded of the [Palestinian] national unity government that would work opposite Israel in recognition of it. And this I told to Syrian President Bashir Assad, and he supported this idea."
Al-Dustur, February28, 2008
And yet, despite it all, the present Israeli government continues to believe in the lie forced upon them by the international community - that this man can be trusted to bring peace and security?
What utter blindness has come upon them!
Jan Willem van der Hoeven, Director
How in the world can Israel continue talking to the PA leadership at the very time that its people are rejoicing over the callous murdering of eight Jewish yeshiva students by a Palestinian who is rewarded and crowned by the PA's chief newspaper with the title "holy martyr?"
Palestinian Media Watch Bulletin
March 9 2008
Palestinian Authority Daily:
Killer of eight young men is Holy Martyr- Shahid
Action should cost PA $150 million in US aid
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook
Mahmoud Abbas' official Palestinian Authority daily newspaper has honored the killer of the eight high school students gunned down this week with the status of Shahid - Holy Islamic Martyr. In so doing, the PA is sending its people a straightforward message of support for the terror murders and the murderer. According to the PA interpretation of Islam, there is no higher status that a human being can achieve today than that of Shahid.
The official PA daily Al Hayat Al Jadida prominently placed a picture of the killer on the front page, with the caption, "The Shahid Alaa Abu D'heim." In a Page One article on the terror killings, his act is again defined as a "Shahada achieving" action.
This honoring of terror and terrorists by the PA has significant financial ramifications, particularly at this time. Last week the US Administration sent a request to Congress to allocate $150 million to the Palestinian Authority. In response to earlier PMW reports on the widespread Palestinian honoring of terror, Congress made it illegal for the US to give money to entities that "advocate" terror, as follows:
"[The US] shall terminate assistance to any individual, entity... which she has determined to be involved in or advocating terrorist activity." Congress further legislated that "none of the [US] ... assistance under the West Bank and Gaza Program may be made available for the purpose of recognizing or otherwise honoring individuals who commit, or have committed acts of terrorism."
-2008 Foreign Operations Bill Sec. 657.B - C.1
Since a society's honoring of terrorists is one of the greatest terror promotions, and as the budget for the PA newspaper comes from the PA's general budget, the incessant honoring of this and all recent terrorists by Abbas' PA as Holy Islamic Shahids should render the Palestinian Authority ineligible to receive any American money under the terms of US law.
Palestinian Media Watch Bulletin
February 28 2008
Abbas rejects Jewishness of Israel,doesn't rule out armed conflictproud to have taught terror to world
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said Wednesday that he doesn't rule out armed conflict against Israel. He also said that he was "honored" to have fired the first bullet of the Fatah terror organization in 1965, and to have taught terror tactics around the world, including to such groups as Hizbullah.
In an in-depth interview published today in the Jordanian daily Al-Dustur, Abbas said that the PA is "unable" to pursue armed conflict for now, but said that "in the future stages things may be different."
He rejected Israel as a Jewish state, and said that it was the PA's rejection of Israel's Jewishness that almost aborted the Annapolis Conference last November.
Abbas said that he won't demand that Hamas recognize Israel. In fact, as PMW has reported in the past, he said that the only "recognition" of Israel he demands of a Palestinian unity government is to recognize Israel as its adversary.
Here are some highlights from that interview:
The Arab Situation
"Now we are against armed conflict because we are unable. In the future stages, things may be different... "
We reject the Jewishness of the state
The Palestinian President emphasized his rejection of what is described as the Jewishness of the state [Israel], and said: "We rejected this proposal at the Annapolis conference last November in the USA, and the conference was almost aborted because of it..."
The Resistance [Editor's note: PA euphemism for terror]
The Palestinian President spoke about the resistance, saying: "I was honored to be the one to shoot the first bullet in 1965 [Fatah terror against Israel began in 1965], and having taught resistance to many in this area and around the world, defining it and when it is beneficial and when it is not... we had the honor of leading the resistance. We taught everyone what resistance is, including the Hezbollah, who were trained in our camps [i.e. PLO camps in the 60s and 70s]."
Recognition of Israel
"I don't demand that the Hamas movement recognize Israel. I only demanded of the [Palestinian] national unity government that would work opposite Israel in recognition of it. And this I told to Syrian President Bashir Assad, and he supported this idea."
Al-Dustur, February28, 2008
And yet, despite it all, the present Israeli government continues to believe in the lie forced upon them by the international community - that this man can be trusted to bring peace and security?
What utter blindness has come upon them!
Jan Willem van der Hoeven, Director
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The Jerusalem Post - Interesting Times: From survival to purpose
Mar. 6, 2008
The immediate dilemma in Gaza is how to fight a war with an enemy that uses its own people as human shields and offers them only one "hope" - endless war aimed at the destruction of the Jewish state. (read full article)
Mar. 6, 2008
The immediate dilemma in Gaza is how to fight a war with an enemy that uses its own people as human shields and offers them only one "hope" - endless war aimed at the destruction of the Jewish state. (read full article)
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
ISRAPUNDIT - Dithering on Durban II
Why hasn’t the U.S. distanced itself from the U.N.’s platform for anti-Semitism?
By Anne Bayefsky, NRO March 5, 2008
Jerusalem — Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni announced on Sunday that Israel will not participate in Durban II, the U.N.’s most recent platform for anti-Semitism and the demonization of the Jewish state. Livni called upon the international community to refuse “legitimacy to hatred, extremism, and anti-Semitism, under the banner of the ‘fight against racism.’” (read full article)
By Anne Bayefsky, NRO March 5, 2008
Jerusalem — Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni announced on Sunday that Israel will not participate in Durban II, the U.N.’s most recent platform for anti-Semitism and the demonization of the Jewish state. Livni called upon the international community to refuse “legitimacy to hatred, extremism, and anti-Semitism, under the banner of the ‘fight against racism.’” (read full article)
Monday, March 3, 2008
The Wall Street Journal online - Worshippers of Death
By ALAN M. DERSHOWITZ March 3, 2008
Zahra Maladan is an educated woman who edits a women's magazine in Lebanon. She is also a mother, who undoubtedly loves her son. She has ambitions for him, but they are different from those of most mothers in the West. (read full article)
Zahra Maladan is an educated woman who edits a women's magazine in Lebanon. She is also a mother, who undoubtedly loves her son. She has ambitions for him, but they are different from those of most mothers in the West. (read full article)
ISRAPUNDIT - Don’t muddy the waters.
“Im ba l’hargekha, hashkem l’hargo,” “If someone comes to kill you, rise up and kill him (first).”By Ted Belman March 4, 2008
I asked Col. Bruce T Smith for a legal opinion on what restrictions or laws Israel is subject to in its self defense and included the opinion in my post Bomb Gaza. Win the War.
(read full article)
I asked Col. Bruce T Smith for a legal opinion on what restrictions or laws Israel is subject to in its self defense and included the opinion in my post Bomb Gaza. Win the War.
(read full article)
The Los Angeles Times - The end of the 'guilty Israeli'
Empathy has become a victim of the Palestinian attacks from Gaza.
By Yossi Klein Halevi March 2, 2008
JERUSALEM -- Within the coming weeks, the Israeli army may re-invade the Gaza Strip in an attempt to stop the rocket attacks on Israeli towns and, perhaps, topple its Islamist Hamas government. If it happens, it will have come after long hesitation and anguished debate.
(read full article)
By Yossi Klein Halevi March 2, 2008
JERUSALEM -- Within the coming weeks, the Israeli army may re-invade the Gaza Strip in an attempt to stop the rocket attacks on Israeli towns and, perhaps, topple its Islamist Hamas government. If it happens, it will have come after long hesitation and anguished debate.
(read full article)
The Wall Street Journal - Worshippers of Death
March 3, 2008; Page A17
Zahra Maladan is an educated woman who edits a women's magazine in Lebanon. She is also a mother, who undoubtedly loves her son. She has ambitions for him, but they are different from those of most mothers in the West. She wants her son to become a suicide bomber. (read full article)
March 3, 2008; Page A17
Zahra Maladan is an educated woman who edits a women's magazine in Lebanon. She is also a mother, who undoubtedly loves her son. She has ambitions for him, but they are different from those of most mothers in the West. She wants her son to become a suicide bomber. (read full article)
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