Friday, February 29, 2008 - Schmoozing with Terrorists

by Aaron Klein, Reviewed by Lori Lowenthal Marcus
Feb. 29, 2008

The people who kill Jews and other westerners for a living would seem to be a bit hard for nice Jewish boy to sit down and chat with about why they do what they do. (view full article)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

JBlog Central - Northwest Airlines, Fly with The Terrorists: Cousin of Hezbo Leaders Now Holds Key Position in Major Airline

By Debbie Schlussel 2/25/08

So, you're head of a major airline in America. It's 6.5 years since airplanes of major American airlines were used as weapons to murder almost 3,000 Americans. And many more individuals have been caught since then with hidden weapons and other apparent attempts to take over planes, including a shoe bomber, Muslim convert Richard Reid. (read full article)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

ISRAPUNDIT - Sderot Matters

Feb. 26, 2008 By Ted Belman

Tonight, Toronto Jews and Christian Zionists rallied for Sderot and what a rally it was. Over 2000 people were in attendance including many high school and university students. They filled to capacity a huge hotel room. (read full article)

Friday, February 22, 2008

International Christian Zionist Center - ISLAM WINS THROUGH TERROR AND JIHAD

It is astounding to see how, whereas most Muslims claim to practice 'a peaceful religion' - as even President George W. Bush affirmed concerning Islam - and even as they continually praise their Allah as "the merciful one," that they nevertheless win their battles and subjugate people the world over by terror and jihad.

Mohammed himself, in his short lifetime, fought more than 50 wars to spread the teachings of ISLAM. Across the planet today Muslims are killing, threatening and terrorizing nation after nation and, where deemed necessary, political leaders, journalists or others who dare to stand in their way, even while their spokesmen cleverly and misleadingly tell the world that Islam is a religion of peace.

Sure it is!

Looking at a map of today's world we see Muslims terrorizing and massacring hundreds of thousands of south Sudanese - many of them peace-loving Christians - terrorizing and killing in many parts of the Philippines, Indonesia, India and in other regions. In fact the majority of recent wars has been initiated or fought by Muslims, in Lebanon, Syria, in Somalia, Afghanistan, and most recently in Kenya.

Even fellow Muslims are not safe from this scourge of terror and jihad, as the Muslims in Iran found out when the Muslim Saddam Hussein fought and attacked them; as Sunni Muslims in Iraq are experiencing as they are blown up - in their own mosques - by Muslim Shiites; as Muslim Lebanese lawmakers, even presidents (like Bishara, Jemayel and Harrari) found out when they were murdered in cold blood by Syrian-supported Muslim intruders. The list is long.

As seen in poor Lebanon, endless suffering is inflicted on anyone who stands in the way of those who have made themselves the final judges and authorities of what Islam stands for. It is committed by Hezbollah or Syrian infiltrators, against Lebanese who simply want to be Lebanese citizens, or against peace-loving Palestinians hanged and pierced on poles by other Muslim Palestinians: Issam Sartawi murdered in Portugal because he really wanted to have peace with Israel; Anwar Sadat murdered in Egypt - all this done by Muslim terrorists who believe they are the upholders of ISLAM in its purest form.

When individuals in the West who finally wake up to this all-encompassing threat and danger are willing to warn or speak out, they are immediately threatened or silenced by the very Islamic terror they so courageously alerted against.

This happened to Pope Benedict XVI in September 2006 after he dared to quote a medieval source saying that there is an inherent violence in ISLAM. He was immediately made to pay for his courage by churches and Christians being attacked and killed in different places because of this remark.

So it went after the Danish newspaper Jyllends-Posten published caricatures of Mohammed in September 2005.

Thus it happened to the Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh murdered in November 2004 in front of his house by Muslims who did not like his film about the degradation of women in Muslim societies.

Do we have to go on to describe the terrible anguish of around 3000 men and woman trapped in New York's Twin Towers in September 2001 before their lives were snuffed out, again by Muslim-inspired terrorists, mostly from Saudi Arabia?

Do we have to revisit the thousands of people in Israel, killed, lynched and terrorized for decades by Muslim neighbors, all in the name of ISLAM, whose adherents claim that Allah wants to purify the ISLAMIC Middle East first from a sovereign Jewish state and then from Christians, as their children sing: "We shall fight first the Saturday people and then the Sunday people."

So they win, by threatening anyone and everyone who wants to stop their advance. And they win by terror or jihad. They do so in Europe where they have paralyzed people in fear of what would happen if they would let an ever increasing number of Europeans speak their mind. It is all too late, the backlash too enormous to even contemplate.

New York's Twin Towers stand (or stood!) as a stark reminder of what happens to nations whose policies are at war with the forces of ISLAM, whether they be in Afghanistan, Iraq or the Middle East or the ever more aggressively-demanded rights of Muslims living in the West.

When U.S.-led soldiers of westerners and Iraqis truly want to bring democracy into war-torn and terrorized Iraq, they are killed by the thousands for daring to introduce this - to Islam, strange - concept of freedom and democracy.

When Benazir Bhutto, a courageous woman, wants to introduce as a possible candidate for her Pakistani nation the same principles of freedom and democracy, she is killed by these same Islamic fanatics.

So all over the world from the Philippines to the Sudan, from Europe to the United States, ISLAM wins through terror and jihad, as it did from its beginnings.

So by Terror they win

They have won in Iran
They win in Afghanistan
They win in Iraq
They win in Lebanon
They win in Sudan and Somalia
They win in the Pakistan

They are beginning to win in the West, first in Europe and then in the States and there is little that can stop them. They have the oil and the money. They have the masses and many of them have the fanatically held faith that Allah wants them to conquer and submit the whole world.
Against the horrifying background of all this, would anyone have believed on September the 11th 2001, when all of America was weeping for those whose lives had been brutally ended by Islamic-inspired terror, that Americans by the millions would soon vote in favor of a young, ex-Muslim Senator; a man who, when in power, would be loath to fight the very sponsors and initiators of this all-encompassing threat, and instead want to try and reason with them? This may not just spell the end of America, that great land of the brave: but with it also the end of the whole free world!

Kenya was one of the only countries on the Africa Continent that had a stable, pro-Western and Israel-friendly government, a country where Obama's Muslim family still lives. Obama not long ago visited this country and stirred trouble, igniting Raila Odinga to challenge the just-chosen pro-Western, pro-Israel President Mwai Kibaki with the resulting massacres and unrest. This is how The Jerusalem Post's Caroline Glick reported (January 21, 2008) on this disturbing episode:

"Kenya currently teeters at the edge of political chaos and civil war in the wake of the disputed Dec. 27 presidential elections. Those elections pitted incumbent President Mwai Kibaki against Raila Odinga who leads the Orange Democratic Movement. While the polls showed the public favoring Odinga, Kibaki was declared the winner. Odinga rejected the results and his supporters have gone on rampages throughout the country that have killed some 700 people so far. Fifty people were murdered when a pro-Odinga mob set ablaze a church in which they were hiding.
Kibaki is close ally of the US in the war against Islamic terror. In stark contrast, Odinga is an ally of Islamic extremists. On August 29 Odinga wrote a letter to Kenya's pro-jihadist National Muslim Leaders Forum. There he pledged that if elected he would establish Sharia courts throughout the country; enact Islamic dress codes for women; ban alcohol and pork; indoctrinate schoolchildren in the tenets of Islam; ban Christian missionary activities, and dismiss the police commissioner, "Who has allowed himself to be used by heathens and Zionists."

Although Odinga is an Anglican, he referred to Islam as the "one true religion" and scorned Christians as "worshipers of the cross." Obama strongly supports Odinga who claims to be his cousin. As Daniel Johnson reported recently in the New York Sun, during his 2006 visit to Kenya, Obama was so outspoken in his support for Odinga that the Kenyan government complained to the State Department that Obama was interfering with the internal politics of the country. After the Dec. 27 elections Obama interrupted a campaign appearance in New Hampshire to take a call from Odinga."

So ISLAM wins. It wins in Kenya, it wins in the West. It wins in Lebanon, in Iran, in Afghanistan, in Syria and in Iraq, in Sudan and in Somalia. It begins even to win in Turkey and many other places in the world: Through terror and jihad, or just through clever infiltration, till it all will be too late also for Europe and America!

Jan Willem van der Hoeven, Director
International Christian Zionist Center

Thursday, February 14, 2008

UCI - Palestinian Chitzpah

Rick Richman - Feb 13, 2008 American Thinker

Reading about the Palestinian Authority asking the State Department to intervene on the PA's side in lawsuits brought against it by U.S. victims of Palestinian terrorism - on grounds that it makes no sense for the U.S. to provide millions of dollars of aid to the PA while U.S. courts might bankrupt the PA - I was reminded of the famous joke defining chutzpah as the child who murders his parents and then pleads for mercy as an orphan. (read full article)

The New York Sun - Take It As a Compliment

February 12, 2008

It is certainly possible to understand, as an instinctive reaction, the objection of Jews to Christians praying that they see the light and accept Jesus as their savior. (read full article)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Miami Herald - What is Israel to do? Ignore the attacks?

By DAVID A. HARRIS Feb. 11, 2008

Israel faces difficult choices in Gaza. There is no off-the-shelf remedy for the unprecedented situation, no playbook to follow. (read more of press release)

Monday, February 11, 2008

We Are Already Living as Dhimmis

Feb 11, 2008

Over the past few years, I've sent out many articles warning of the slow incremental slide of the West toward dhimmitude, subservience to Islam. The articles described how multiculturalist sensitivities that seemed well-meaning have been exploited to create a special status for Islam and Moslems at the expense of Western values. It all seemed so far away. It turns out that dhimmitude is just around the corner. It is later than we think.


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Statement in support of Israel from Ayman Hassan who still lives in the Middle East.

As an Arab Muslim I once asked myself: Why do I hate Israel? I really thought about this question. After little deliberation the answer was clear, because I am a Muslim and Islam is extremely intolerant. It's the intolerance to everything non Muslim, that is the problem and I say this as a Muslim, but today I have rejected the teachings of Islam for this very reason. I have left Islam. As an Arab "Palestinian", living in Lebanon, coming from a Muslim family, I was brought up with the hatred of Jews, Christians, and all non Muslims. Now I'm 24, I have matured enough to view the world through a different perspective; I reviewed real history and studied the sequence of events before and after the restoration of the State of Israel. I decided to step outside the mind set of a typical Muslim. It didn't take long to realize that I was on the wrong track and I moved quickly to the other side. In order to be at peace with myself I have come to reject the hatred of Israel and now love my former enemy. I have not embraced another religion but I am pursuing a new spiritual path.

Why do the Arabs and Muslims have to reject the presence of a Jewish state in a tiny percentage of the land of the Middle East? Why Islamic intolerance forbids other nations their right to exist in their own land. The whole world should realize that Islam is at war with all nations on the planet. In our Muslim societies it is not the extremists but the whole society infected with this hatred. It is in the mosques, the schools, the media and in the homes of nearly every Muslim family. It isn't just Israel but the hatred of America and Christians, Islam hates all other religions. In the case of Israel, its only fault is that it's a Jewish state who wants to live in peace within its borders. It's not a struggle of so called Palestinians to establish a country and retain some land, which was never theirs, I know because I studied the real history. The real problem is racism and the intolerance of Muslims, the blind hatred and jealousy to see a flourishing, strong and modern country where people from other faiths can live peacefully. Why are the Jews forbidden to have a country? These people have contributed much to the world's culture and offered the best scientists, artists, doctors and have been victims of intolerance throughout history? Why are they forbidden to live in their national Zionist dream and return to their homeland, which was some desert which they cultivated and transformed in to one of the most beautiful landscapes on earth? Why do the Arabs and the Muslim world have to take everything, and claim every land they step on to be theirs. "Palestine" never existed, and should never, and that is coming from me an Arab who is classified as a Palestinian. The creation of a Palestinian state would be the biggest threat to the existence of Israel and would not bring one day of peace to Israel; I know how my people think! It should never be allowed. In fact supporting a Palestinian State is the equivalent of supporting Nazi Germany and the persecution of Jews.

Israel has already made the mistake twice of giving land for peace, once in Southern Lebanon, and secondly in Gaza. We all know the terrible results: the expansion of Hizballah's power in Lebanon and the creation of a terrorist state in Gaza. Hamas and other terrorist organizations now have the space to launch more terrorist attacks and hostile activities on Israeli cities and villages.

Israel's right to exist shouldn't be open for discussion. Hamas, Hizballah or Islamic Jihad, and the people behind them, must be destroyed. Nothing should hinder Israel's army to do whatever it takes to protect their people and ensure the safety of Israel, from Tel Aviv, to the smallest settlement inside Israel which should include Judea and Samaria (the West Bank).

I don’t blame the Israeli army for any defense measure it takes. It has been fighting Islamic terrorism long before any other nation faced their atrocities. The Israeli soldiers have been on the front line on behalf of the whole free world. I am proud to support the Israeli defense forces, the most civilized and humane army in the world, no matter how the media might try to portray them. One can't but respect the brave Israeli army which puts its soldiers lives at risk in order to protect civilian life in Gaza or Southern Lebanon, the same civilians whom in both places have voted terrorist organizations to power. The same innocent civilians which deny Israel's right to exist, who never are held accountable for the democratic choices they have made. Yet still, the Israeli army, and in the most critical war times, try as much as possible to avoid harming their lives, even at the expense of losing lives on their side as well as tactical and strategic disadvantages because of their moral behavior. I salute the Israeli army; I can't but support these heroes, and bow in respect to the memory of their fallen ones. I can't but stand with Israel in its fight for its existence amid this crazy part of the world.

I used to hate Israel with a passion but today I am proud to say that I have shed my hatred for Israel and it has transformed to a deep love, passion, and respect for Zionism and all the values it stands for.

I am proud that today I support the full restoration of Jerusalem. For the first time in my life I'm at peace with myself and in great harmony of what I believe in; standing with Israel and the Jewish people, who are the most forgiving and tolerant people on earth. They must be praised for their deep dedication to their cause, and for their patience in their endurance of harm and hatred.

Jerusalem should never be divided and soon the Temple Mount should also be liberated. All other religious groups in the world have free access to their most sacred sites yet the Jews still watch their holiest place, Solomon's temple, under occupation. I can't but feel compassionate with their dream, and I know that their fight is now my fight.

Israel’s existence and survival is really a test and responsibility for the whole civilized world. It's the battle against Islam’s imperial quest to conquer the whole world. Israel is the fortress and stronghold for freedom and tolerance in the Middle East. I have held my tongue for too long but today a great burden has been lifted from my heart. I don't care if I've been considered a traitor by my people for loving Israel. It's an honor for me; if supporting Israel's right to exist is a sin then I'm a sinner. I'm proud to be an Arab who stands with a country that should be emulated by all its neighbors. Long live Israel! For the sake of its people and for the sake of the world's stability and freedom, I am proud to say I love Israel. I know that even if I don't have Jewish blood in my veins, I know I am Israeli at heart.

Written by Ayman Hassan a Palestinian Arab. Ayman wrote to us inspired about the work of Walid Shoebat and the work of the Walid Shoebat Foundation. He wishes to continue with his advocacy and we hope to use him in the media in the future.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

On The Present Danger Facing Israel And All Jews

American Thinker Feb 05, 2008
By Rachel Neuwirth

The entire body of the Jewish people today -- in Israel, in Europe, in America, in Australia and New Zealand, and throughout the world -- is in grave danger. Our very existence as a people and as a faith is in jeopardy.
(read full article)

Promotion of Islam in Our Schools

Campus Watch Research
[on Ayad Al-Qazzaz of Cal State, Sacramento]by Cinnamon StillwellFrontPage MagazineFebruary 5, 2008

Public school children in grades K-12 are being assigned textbooks that misrepresent and, in some cases, glorify Islamic beliefs and history – often at the expense of other religions and cultures.
(read full article)

Sunday, February 3, 2008

“Annapolis” is a separation process, not a peace process

By Ted Belman Feb. 3, 2008

David Samuels, who wrote “In a Ruined Country”, the definitive article on Yasser Arafat in The Atlantic in 2005, and a stunning article last year in The Jewish Press entitled “The Silence of the Lambs”, has now written another essential article in the February 13 issue of The New Republic entitled “The Father of Palestine”, dealing Pres Bush’s attempt to birth Palestine.
(read more)