Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"We seek death like you seek life"

March 18, 2008

Straight from the horse's mouth: 'We seek death like you seek life' -- Hamas MP Hammad admits Hamas uses women and children as human shields.


When will the West begin to understand that negotiations, summits, "peace partners", etc. -- that all this is futile? That the only language understood in the Middle East is that of strength, force, and violence? That you can ONLY have RELATIVE calm and ONLY for SHORT periods of time, provided you speak loudly and carry a very big stick, which needs to be put to use now and then to remind the enemies that you still mean business?

The only real hope for peace is reformation within Islam, and nothing short of that will do. So brace yourselves, and don't hold your breath ...

You liberals out there -- stop deluding yourselves and believing in the fairy tales of your own creation -- the enemy is NOT at all like you, for they do not value life. How do you prevent someone who doesn't care for life from killing you? You have to kill him first.

Harsh, yes, but it's better to face reality than to bury yourself in the sand of susicidal self-denial. If you want to die -- go ahead, but do not try to drag me down with you.

Getting off the stump,