Monday, December 17, 2007


In his recent speech in Annapolis the Prime Minister of Israel, Mr Ehud Olmert made the following statement:

"I believe that there is no path other than peace. I believe there is no just solution other than the solution of two national states for two peoples. I believe that there is no path which does not involve painful compromise for you Palestinians and for us Israelis. I want to thank you, President George Bush, an ally in the path of peace, for your willingness to assist in the historic process of peace and reconciliation between us and our neighbors."

This statement exposes the absolute fallacy of the policy being pursued by Israel and the Nations concerning the Arab-Israeli conflict.

When Prime Minister Olmert says - with the blind agreement of not only the nations of the world but even most of the ministers of his cabinet - that he believes there is NO path other than peace and NO just solution other than the establishment of two national states for two peoples, it is clear that he has - apparently freely - swallowed the lie and the deception that peace will come to this region and to Israel only by way of the vision first foolishly proclaimed by the president of the United States.

The opposite is true. Peace will come to the Middle East - as it came to Europe - by military victory. As the Bible so truthfully, if sadly, states: There is a time to make war, and there is a time to make peace (see Ecclesiastes 3:8).

To make peace - after the manner in which Hitler negotiated an agreement with Chamberlain in Munich in September 1938) - when the other side is going to use that very surrender for the sake of peace to destroy you, is stupidity. And it is this folly which the Western powers already fell into once in history, when they chose to believe that by ceding the Sudetenland to Hitler they would save the rest of Czechoslovakia and thus prevent a war on the European continent.

We know that the opposite happened. The surrender of the Sudetenland did not bring the longed-for peace; it encouraged Hitler and his Nazis to take all of Czechoslovakia, and then unleash their armies on all of Europe.

This is precisely what will result from the wish spelled out, again under the pressure of the Nations gathered in Annapolis: that Israel cedes her own God-given land to the Palestinians to prevent further war. Any such cession of land will achieve the reverse - it will whet the appetite of all the radical Muslim forces, from Hamas to Hizbollah, from Al Qaida to the Islamic Jihad, from Iran to Syria, the big sponsors of Islamic terror. It will cause - just like the surrender of the Sudetenland - a world war and not peace!

Mr Olmert's statement thus proves just how dreadfully off base the thinking of even the present Israeli leadership is.

At least President Edvard Benes of Czechoslovakia withstood "the wisdom" of the Western powers when they (Britain and France) pressured him to give Hitler the Sudetenland for the sake of peace.

But with Israel the outlook is even worse, as we realize reading this utterly foolish statement of its leader.

For Israel is itself admitting that this withdrawal demanded of her by the Nations - a solution that will lead to her destruction - is the only solution there is!

President Benes at least shouted in despair at the Western powers that he felt betrayed by them, and that the forced evacuation of the Sudetenland could spell the end of his courageous, sovereign Nation!

But NOT SO Israel's present leaders.

They hasten to bow before the demands of the Goyim, themselves announcing that this solution to their conflict is THE ONLY SOLUTION, thus strengthening the Nations' hand and pride in this their plan - a plan that WILL lead, just as with Czechoslovakia, to the dismantling of their sovereign Jewish State.

May God prevent it!

Jan Willem van der Hoeven, Director
International Christian Zionist Center